Grey's Posy

Mar 20, 20163 min

Lacey Egg Cozies

Lacey Knitted Egg Cozies

Egg cozies aren’t just for aesthetics; they also serve a functional purpose, as they keep eggs nice and warm until you’re ready to eat. They come in all shapes. Some are plain, and some are made to look like chicks or hares; just about any kind you could imagine! Naturally, egg cozies make for the sweetest breakfast or brunch accoutrements.

These are knitted with pretty lace yarn, and our pattern is easy enough so you can make as many as you may need.

You will need:

  • 4 double pointed needles, 4 mm US size 6

  • Lace weight yarn (We used a 2 - fine weight), color of your choosing

  • A yarn needle, for simple hand sewing


Here is a key to help you understand the abbreviations within the pattern:

co- cast on.

sts- stitches.

k- knit.

p- purl

yo- yarn over; put the yarn over a needle, from front to back.

k2tog- knit two stitches together, to decrease to one stitch.

K2togtbl- knit two stitches together through the back loop; insert the needle through two

stitches from the back right, instead of the front left, knit both sts together.


Stretchy cast on:

This cast on creates an elastic edge, which allows the edge to expand freely with ribbing. This cast on method is done by holding the working yarn in your right hand. If you’re a continental knitter (you knit with the working yarn in your left hand), this method may feel a little tricky at first.

To start, take a needle into your left hand and grab the yarn a couple of inches from the end, with the free end to the left side. Hold the yarn with your left thumb and index finger, and bring the yarn up over the front of the needle to make a ‘U’ shape, allowing the yarn over the front to swag (as seen in step 1.).

(2.) Insert the needle through the ‘U’ as if to knit (front to back), with your right hand. Hold the working yarn with your right hand.

(3.) Hold the right needle with your left hand. Bring the yarn behind and over the needle towards the right.

(4.) Keeping the yarn taught, transfer the right needle back to your right hand. Treat this like a knit stich; pull the loop out of the first stitch. Retain the stitch you’ve just created on the right needle.

(5.) Instead of putting the new stitch straight onto the left needle, you need to move the right needle and stitch down under, and behind the left needle. The right needle is now directly behind the left needle. This twist secures the stitches.

(6.) Now, transfer the stitch from the right needle over to the left needle, you don’t need to twist this stitch at all. Pull the yarn, and you should now have two stitches.

Continue these steps until you have the correct number of stitches indicated in the pattern below.

Lacey Egg Cozy –

Cast on 24 sts using the stretchy cast on method (ex. above).

Work row 1 flat, using only two needles.

Row 1: *k1, p1; repeat from * to end.

Distribute the sts onto three needles, so that there are 8 sts on each one. Row 2 joins the sts in the round.

{Rows 2-5}: *k1, p1; repeat from * to end.

Row 6: knit all.

{Rows 7 and 9}: *k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k2togtbl, k1; repeat from * to end.

{Rows 8 and 10}: knit all.

{Rows 11 and 13}: *yo, k2togtbl, k1, k2tog, yo, k1; repeat from * to end.

Row 12: knit all.

Row 14: *k2tog, k4; repeat from * to end. (20 sts)

Row 15: *k2tog, k3; repeat from * to end. (16 sts)

Row 16: knit all.

Row 17: k1, k2tog, yo,*k3, k2tog, yo; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k3.

Row 18: knit all.

Row 19: *k2tog, k2; repeat from* to end. (12 sts)

Break the yarn, and draw it through the remaining sts with a yarn needle. Sew up the top for stability, knot the yarn and weave in the end. Weave the tail through the ribbing, knot the yarn and weave in the end.

Now you can fit the cozy over a soft boiled egg like a little hat, before serving. All that’s left is to toast up some bread, and cut them into ‘soldiers’, for dipping!

- The Grey’s Posy Team

#March #EasterEggs #eggcozy #eggcosy #knitting #laceknittng #stretchycaston #Easter
